I am so staying out of New York
Overheard in New York highlights the heartwarming conversation that follows when "A tourist mom with three teens in tow halts in the middle of the block, causing two suits and several other people to crash into them."
I won't reproduce the dialogue here. Click through if you're in the mood for a massive dose of Noo Yawk vitriol. I don't know how you'd pick which of the participants here are more self-absorbed—the tourists who act like they're the only ones on the sidewalk, or the "suits" who can't be bothered to watch where they're going. I guess on that count they're even. But for me arrogance is a greater sin than momentary cluelessness, and I have to wonder if the suits would have acted the same way if the tourist group had included just one big bruiser of a gentleman who appeared capable of pounding a spoiled stockbroker into a grease stain on the pavement.
I believe anybody who ever lived has plenty of reason to be humble, and that's why I don't accept arrogance from anybody. Not bosses, celebrities, or presidents.
Okay, one other point. Does New York have anything like traffic ordinances that govern the use of busy sidewalks? I've never heard of such, but after learning about alternate side of the street parking, I'll believe anything.
I won't reproduce the dialogue here. Click through if you're in the mood for a massive dose of Noo Yawk vitriol. I don't know how you'd pick which of the participants here are more self-absorbed—the tourists who act like they're the only ones on the sidewalk, or the "suits" who can't be bothered to watch where they're going. I guess on that count they're even. But for me arrogance is a greater sin than momentary cluelessness, and I have to wonder if the suits would have acted the same way if the tourist group had included just one big bruiser of a gentleman who appeared capable of pounding a spoiled stockbroker into a grease stain on the pavement.
I believe anybody who ever lived has plenty of reason to be humble, and that's why I don't accept arrogance from anybody. Not bosses, celebrities, or presidents.
Okay, one other point. Does New York have anything like traffic ordinances that govern the use of busy sidewalks? I've never heard of such, but after learning about alternate side of the street parking, I'll believe anything.
You know, I've never had a bad experience in New York City (okay, now I've cursed it), but I *do* avoid Times Square when I visit, just because of all those annoying tourists who stop in the middle of the street or crowded, bustling sidewalk to gawk--en masse. Not just one person (I do that in other parts of the city)--the whole famdamily. (Of course, I lived just across the river in Jersey City last year, and had a wee bit of trouble adjusting to that abruptness of speech...that feels like out-of-the-ordinary rudeness but is really just the way they talk.)
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