Monday, May 16, 2005

All complaints must be submitted to a busted web page.

Oh, this is too effing hilarious for words.

I found a website called Downing Street Memo. I'll let you go there if you want details. The gist is that, apparently, thousands of blameless people have died because Bush is a lying sack. Don't take my word for it -- go there and see what you think.

The links there are especially interesting. One of them directs you to the White House Web Mail site, where you can express your up-or-down views on this or any issue.

Or can you?

Here's what happened when I tried it. On the page, you can choose to "write a supporting comment", "write a differing comment" or "write a general comment". I chose to "differ" and then select the subject "National Security/Iraq" from a menu.

The message I got was " An error has occurred during your transaction. Please follow this link to start again."

Interestingly, if I changed the first choice to "write a supporting comment," the request went through without an error.

But I'm sure it's all just a coincidence.


At 2:55 AM, Blogger Western Mash said...

Regarding White House webmail:

I think that it might be just a coincidence. I was trying to enter a supporting comment (in favor of intervention in Darfur, Sudan--who knows if that's "supporting" or not, but I thought it would read better), and I ran into the following message about six times before I gave up.

An error has occurred during your transaction. Please follow this link to start again.


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